Professional Head Shot Portraits

Professional Head Shot Portrait

Professional Head Shot Portraits and More

I meet a lot of people looking for a professional head shot portrait but who hate the process or have had poor results in the past. I get it! When I talk to people about their portrait, some say they’d rather go to the dentist or negotiate for a new car at the dealership that go to the photographer.

Your Legacy Is A Gift

The best reason for having a professional portrait made and printed is your legacy. Legacy as defined by Webster is “a gift by will especially of money or other personal property”. Legacy is a “gift”. And as “by will” suggests, happens after someone dies. In my own case, I just can’t imagine anyone having the inclination or time to go view the photos on my phone, even if they could unlock it after I’ve gotten my wings and flown away. And who will take the time to sort out the 40,000 images on my hard drive? I have a difficult time managing them myself. Ultimately what I’ve printed will be the story and legacy that I will leave behind.

Your Professional Image

If you are in business, do you really think people will take you seriously if your profile photo is 10 years old, a selfie, or just rinky dink? Your professional head shot portrait is your professional image and is usually the first impression prospective clients have of you. (It’s probably the image you carry of yourself as well.)

And More…

I built this gallery several years ago because I wanted to feature professional business head shots. But lately, the “and more” is still portraiture, but I’ve decided to include some other styles and fun photos.

I sincerely hope you enjoy browsing and it would be my pleasure to discuss your ideas or projects.

Details and pricing information here.

Click on any image for carousel view.

Pricing and details here.

Contact me.